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JarInfo Release Notes

Changes in version JarInfo 1.4.5 Build 446 (2025-01-09)
Changes in version JarInfo 1.4.4 Build 257 (2024-07-28)
Changes in version JarInfo 1.4.3 Build 205 (2024-02-01)
Changes in version JarInfo 1.4.2 Build 137 (2023-06-28)


JarInfo 1.4.5 Build 446 (2025-01-09)

Enhanced functionality  Support For Archives Without Directory Entries

Obfuscated/minimized ZIP archives may not contain any directory entries since these are optional by definition. The widely used ZIP tools like 7-Zip automatically create the directory structure for the included ZIP file entries.

JARInfo now supports such minimized archives. Missing directory entries are displayed in both tree and text mode. Missing directory entries are created automatically during archive extraction, too.

Type:  Enhanced functionality
Categories:  Applications, Compatibility
Editions:  Community

JarInfo 1.4.4 Build 257 (2024-07-28)

Enhanced functionality  JarInfo Release Notes Available

In order to better track the changes for JarInfo, these release notes have been added. The XMl file is part of the source code and can therefore be accessed from the classpath.

Type:  Enhanced functionality
Categories:  Documentation
Editions:  Community

Enhanced functionality  Support For JarInfo Command Line Arguments

The JarInfo class has been extended to support certain command line arguments. The tool can now be run in detached mode which means that the contents of a separate JAR file can be displayed instead of contents from the classpath.

This allows for comprehensive testing of the component. In addition to that the JarInfo application can now be executed standalone e.g. from the IDE in both the CLI and GUI modes.

Type:  Enhanced functionality
Categories:  Applications
Editions:  Community

JarInfo 1.4.3 Build 205 (2024-02-01)

Miscellaneous change  JarInfo Sources Available From Leisenfels Tech Zone

The JarInfo package may be used without any license costs under a BSD-style license. In order to deploy JarInfo for your own projects just download the source code archive configure and run the Maven build for local tests. Then copy the required resources to your own project and checkout the examples on how to configure the extension.

Links:  Tech Zone Licensing
Type:  Miscellaneous change
Categories:  Applications, Release Management
Editions:  Community

JarInfo 1.4.2 Build 137 (2023-06-28)

Miscellaneous change  Maintenance Release

Just a release to verify the build and deployment processes.

Type:  Miscellaneous change
Categories:  Compatibility
Editions:  Community


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