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Battery Manager Enterprise Edition (EE)

Battery Manager EE Box

The Battery Manager Enterprise Edition (EE) is the flagship of the Battery Manager product series. It includes all features of the Personal Edition and Professional Edition, but is not limited to one single database.

With this edition administrators hold a powerful tool in their hands to centrally manage multiple databases in arbitrary places and to master major tasks (like transfer of data across databases).


The key features of the Enterprise Edition at a glance:

  • Convenient management of batteries, devices, manufacturers, locations, and measurements
  • Supports the embedded database (single-user)
  • Support for multiple external databases (e.g. Oracle, MySQL)
  • Network file system support (FTP, SFTP), multiple connections
  • Cloud file system support (Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3)
  • Platform independent. Runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and many more systems
  • Use the installers or execute the application directly with Java Web Start
  • Supports all functions of the Personal Edition and Professional Edition


Convenient management of rechargeables and batteries

Once the database and connected devices have been configured you will find many battery types and manufacturers available on the market already in the system. If the battery type does alrady exist you can add your batteries easily by choosing the type and editing a battery name. This saves the time consuming editing of battery size and capacity for example.



The "My Batteries" list shows the overview of all deposited rechargeable and primary batteries. Here, new batteries may be added, existing batteries may be deleted or modified. Besides the common battery information like size and capacity the full battery lifecycle starting from purchase, the deployments, up to disposal or resale can be edited here. With these pieces of information you can always keep an eye on your rechargeables while having information like warranty periods quickly at hand in order to request compensation.



Manage charging devices and barcode/RFID readers

Recent charging devices like VOLTCRAFT Charge Manager 2020 provide support for serial PC interfaces (RS-232, USB) where important information about charging are being transferred. This data is automatically logged if a new rechargeable is inserted into a charging bay and has been identified e.g. using a barcode or RFID tag before.


With Battery Manager you can also edit measurement data manually. If you do not have a charging device with PC interface then the battery voltage after charging may be measured with a multimeter and then directly edited with Battery Manager. These data portions can be used to calculate the current state of charge later in order to replace batteries for smoke detectors in-time for example.

Supported devices and databases


Supports external databases like Oracle or MySQL

In addition to the embedded database shipped with the Battery Manager the Enterprise Edition provides support for multiple external databases (like Oracle, MySQL). External means that the database is managed by a special database server in most cases.

The initial configuration may be done using convenient wizards identifying connected devices and preparing the database quickly. You will find commonly used battery types and manufacturers pre-installed after the installation.


External databases allow working with multiple users in Battery Manager. The datasets from the external database can be transferred into both the embedded or external databases. You can create backups on a regular basis directly from the running application to be restored later.



Access remote servers with FTP/SFTP or cloud file systems

The BatteryManager Enterprise Edition provides support for accessing remote servers connected via protocols like FTP/SFTP. Connections may configured using a special dialog, where the basic parameters of each connection are specified: the host name or IP address, the protocol and port, the remote path as well as the credentials to login (username and password).

Arbitrary connections can be established using a specialized network file system navigator window. Each connection has its own tab and can therefore be handled independently from the others.



Runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and many more systems

The Battery Manager software is written in pure Java which allows the software to be executed on almost any platform on the market. If your environment changes from one platform to another, chances are good that the Battery Manager software can be migrated without problems to the new platform. The obtained licenses are still usable no matter the platform. This gives system administrators the flexibility to migrate from one platform to another without generating additional software license costs.

Future versions of the Battery Manager software will add support for mobile devices like smart phones and tablets. So the marketing slogan "Write once, run everywhere" becomes reality.


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