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Battery Manager Documentation

Locale Download Checksums Type Size
eng_US Quick Start XML  SHA-1  OpenPGP Quick start guide (PDF) 516.1 KB
Installation Manual XML  SHA-1  OpenPGP Installation instructions (PDF) 1024.0 KB
User Manual XML  SHA-1  OpenPGP Reference for users (PDF) 2.5 MB

ger_DE Kurzanleitung XML  SHA-1  OpenPGP Schnelle Inbetriebnahme (PDF) 540.3 KB
Installations-Handbuch XML  SHA-1  OpenPGP Anleitung zur Installation (PDF) 1.1 MB
Benutzer-Handbuch XML  SHA-1  OpenPGP Referenz für Anwender (PDF) 2.5 MB

Here you can download the documentation for the current Battery Manager version. You need a PDF viewer like Adobe® Acrobat Reader installed on your computer system to view the PDF files. The Battery Manager software does NOT include a PDF viewer.

You can access the contents of the user manual also by opening the help system from the Battery Manager software.


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