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Battery Manager Command Line Arguments

This is the list of command line arguments currently supported by the graphical version of the Battery Manager software (battmangui). The arguments can be used for both the installer and Web Start versions of the software. For the Web Start deployment the options need to be mapped as HTTP parameters as shown by the following URL example. Whitespace characters like SPACE in parameter values must be surrounded with quotes ".

http://.../install.jnlp?locale=eng_US&logpipe&logconsole&title="My Battery Manager"

Usage: battmangui [-options]

Supported options include:

  -help | -?          print this help message and exit
  -configdir <value>  sub-directory of user's home for configuration
  -locale <value>     set user locale (eng_US|ger_DE|...)
  -logconsole         activates the console logging
  -logenc <value>     set log encoding (ISO-8859-1|UTF-8|...)
  -logpipe            pipe stdout and stderr to the logger
  -plaf <value>       pluggable look & feel
  -theme <value>      theme for pluggable look & feel
  -title              title of the main window
  -version            print product version and exit

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