All Classes and Interfaces
Choose from a list of message digest algorithms (like generate wizard page).
Creates the additional context menu items for checksum file checking.
Docking window presenting the contents of the local file system for applications.
Compare a message digest directly or with the clipboard content.
Adjusts the 'webstart_war.html' resource for the Digester web start application (read from classpath).
Options unit for file/data limits for an application.
Background task checking digest files in the local file system.
The main class running the Digester application (command line mode only, no gui).
Provides some useful functionality for use with the digester classes.
Holds all message codes for this package to be extracted by the
.Does the event handling of the panel class
.Factory class for vending various objects of the digester package.
Opens digest files like MD5 directly without calling the system.
Provides some useful functionality to read digest files.
Provides some useful functionality to write digest files.
The main class running the Digester application.
Manages the application help system links to be directly called as context sensitive help.
Provides support for common internationalization functions.
Manager class for licensing issues provided for the Digester application.
Global instance for the runtime configuration management of the application.
Application specific subclass of
to configure the preferences.Global settings for the digester package.
Method collection to deal with support data etc.
Provides some useful functionality to read digest files.
Provides some useful functionality to write digest URLs.
Provides some useful functionality for use with the digester classes.
Main application window component.
Methods to manage sets of digest files like GNU/BSD or Digester XML for a given set of targets.
Background task generating digest files in the local file system.
Simple data holding class documenting the calculated message digests (without files/URLs).
Implements the
interface for digests.Background task to synchronize files and directories using the Digester XML format.
Methods to manage sets of digest URLs like GNU/BSD or Digester XML for a given set of targets.
Simple data holding class documenting the written digest files (without calculations).
Implements the
interface for digest files.Initial dialog to present the main operation modes check, generate, and sync (wizards).
Presents the file formats (BSD, GNU, XML) and further options.
Creates the additional context menu items for checksum file generation.
Shows the options for intermediate checksum generation (for XML files and calculate only).
MVC controller for the
class.MVC model for the
.Docking window presenting the contents of the local file system for applications.
Presents the file formats (BSD, GNU, PGP, XML) and further options.
Component showing calculated message digests and/or files.
Wizard dialog for generating checksums and checksum files.
Simple data holding class for intermediate message digests.
Used for finding resources from separate JAR files (class loader).
Special servlet implementing a web service displaying the application's license agreement text.
Lt's the user choose the message digest algorithms and/or PGP signature keys.
Panel to present a list of secret PGP keys to be used for creating detached signatures.
Used for supporting the ProGuard obfuscator.
Re-usable panel to represent a set of source or target files, directories, and URLs.
Implements the
interface for source files/directories.Represents a Digester XML file based on 'summary.dtd'.
Provides functions to synchronize local and remote file systems.
Does the event handling for the docking window
.MVC model for the
.Wizard dialog to specify a source/target mapping to synchronize files/directories.
Specialized custom component for
to display the transfer lists.Implements the
interface for transfer lists.Simple data holding class documenting the transfers during synchronization including status.
Implements the
interface for transfer lists.Component showing transfer results for
(single target results).Component showing transfer results for
(all target results).Helper class to prepare URL candidates for the
.Simple data holding class documenting the checked network resources (without calculations).
Implements the
interface for digest URLs.