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accept(String, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
Determines whether the given defined extensions apply to the given suffix.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Reacts on component interaction.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Reacts on component interaction.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Reacts on component interaction.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckHandler
Called whenever the one of the components was activated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Called whenever the one of the components was activated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateHandler
Called whenever the one of the components was activated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsController
Called whenever the one of the components was activated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Called whenever the one of the components was activated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Called whenever one of the components was activated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsPanel
Called whenever one of the components was activated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Called whenever the one of the components was activated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Called whenever the one of the components was activated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListCustom
Called whenever the one of the components was activated.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
This method is called automatically if an event comes along.
addEntry(Object) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Adds a new source.
addLogHandler(Handler) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Add a handler for logging (e.g. useful for module test support).
addTabListener(TabListener) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Adds a listener reacting on tab changes.
addTabListener(TabListener) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Adds a listener reacting on tab changes.
addTemplate(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets new values for the given template from outside this docking window.
addTemplate(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets new values for the given template from outside this docking window.
addTransferList(String, Vector<TransferResult>) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListCustom
Creates a new transfer list for a given target set.
AlgorithmDialog - Class in com.lf.digester.dialog
Choose from a list of message digest algorithms (like generate wizard page).
AlgorithmDialog() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Constructor method for the dialog (modeless).
AlgorithmDialog(Dialog) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Constructor method for the dialog.
AlgorithmDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Constructor method for the dialog.
allowEscapeOnKeyStroke(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Adds a keyboard action to escape (close) the dialog (e.g. on escape).
allowEscapeOnKeyStroke(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Adds a keyboard action to escape (close) the dialog (e.g. on escape).
allowEscapeOnKeyStroke(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Adds a keyboard action to escape (close) the dialog (e.g. on escape).
analyzeDigestURL(FileObject) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
Reads the given digest URL according to its extension and provides the contained target URLs.


BOX_BSD_DIR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Mask value for option.
BOX_BSD_TARGET - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Mask value for option.
BOX_GNU_DIR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Mask value for option.
BOX_GNU_TARGET - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Mask value for option.
BOX_OVERWRITE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Mask value for option.
BOX_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Mask value for option.
BOX_XML_DIR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Mask value for option.
BOX_XML_TARGET - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Mask value for option.
BUTTON_CANCEL - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Represents the CANCEL button.
BUTTON_EXPONENTIAL - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Mask value for option.
BUTTON_LINEAR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Mask value for option.
BUTTON_NO_INTERMEDIATES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Mask value for option.
BUTTON_OK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Represents the OK button.


cache - Variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
Internal cache.
canRelease(Object) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Checks whether a factory shared object can be released or not.
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Gives notification that an attribute or set of attributes changed.
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Gives notification that an attribute or set of attributes changed.
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsController
Gives notification that an attribute or set of attributes changed.
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Gives notification that an attribute or set of attributes changed.
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Gives notification that an attribute or set of attributes changed.
checkDigests() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Load digests from files in various supported formats (GNU, BSD, XML at the moment).
CheckHandler - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.check
Creates the additional context menu items for checksum file checking.
CheckHandler() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckHandler
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
CheckHandler(CheckOptionsWindow) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckHandler
Constructor for the component.
CheckOptionsWindow - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.check
Docking window presenting the contents of the local file system for applications.
CheckOptionsWindow() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Constructor for the GUI component.
checkSet(Object[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Checks the given mapping for inconsistencies (might not be executed due to errors).
checkSourceTargetSets(Object[], String[], Hashtable<String, Object[]>, SourceTargetPanel, SourceTargetPanel[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Checks the parameters for inconsistencies (might not be executed due to errors).
cleanup(Object) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Perform optional cleanup tasks like closing database connections or disposing dialogs.
closeApplication(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Checks if the application can be exited (running tasks etc.).
closeApplication(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Checks whether the application can be exited (running tasks etc.).
closeSelectedTab() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListCustom
Tries to close the currently selected tab.
collectAllDigestFiles(Vector<File>, File, boolean, BackgroundTask, Vector<SuffixFilter>) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Collects all available files in a given local directory (File variant).
collectAllDigestURLs(Vector<FileObject>, FileObject, boolean, BackgroundTask, Vector<SuffixFilter>) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Collects all available URLs in a given local directory (FileObject variant).
collectAllFileEntries(Vector<File>, File, BackgroundTask) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Collects all available entries in a given local directory (File variant).
collectAllURLEntries(Vector<FileObject>, FileObject, BackgroundTask) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Collects all available entries in a given network directory (FileObject variant).
com.lf.digester.cli - package com.lf.digester.cli
Command line applications implementing the Data Digester functionality.
com.lf.digester.core - package com.lf.digester.core
Provides build information like the version as well as global settings for the package.
com.lf.digester.dialog - package com.lf.digester.dialog
Specialized dialog classes for the Data Digester application.
com.lf.digester.dialog.options - package com.lf.digester.dialog.options
Implementations of OptionsUnit to be used by the options dialog.
com.lf.digester.docking - package com.lf.digester.docking
Docking manager funcionality used by the Data Digester Swing GUI.
com.lf.digester.docking.check - package com.lf.digester.docking.check
Docking window implementation to check message digest files.
com.lf.digester.docking.generate - package com.lf.digester.docking.generate
Docking window implementation to generate message digest files.
com.lf.digester.docking.result - package com.lf.digester.docking.result
Docking window implementation to display results.
com.lf.digester.docking.sync - package com.lf.digester.docking.sync
Docking window implementation to synchronize files and directories.
com.lf.digester.gui - package com.lf.digester.gui
Digester is a Swing GUI application to process message digests like MD5 or SHA-1 and OpenPGP signatures. - package
English help system.
com.lf.digester.resource - package com.lf.digester.resource
This is the place for resources like images used by the package.
com.lf.digester.web.servlet - package com.lf.digester.web.servlet
Subclasses of HttpServlet used by web services.
com.lf.digester.wizard.generate - package com.lf.digester.wizard.generate
Specialized wizard pages to generate message digests.
com.lf.digester.wizard.sync - package com.lf.digester.wizard.sync
Specialized wizard pages to synchronize files and directories.
compareBytes(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Compares two binary arrays.
CompareDialog - Class in com.lf.digester.dialog
Compare a message digest directly or with the clipboard content.
CompareDialog() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Constructor method for the dialog (modeless).
CompareDialog(Dialog) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Constructor method for the dialog.
CompareDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Constructor method for the dialog.
compensateFileSelection(File[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Compensates a file selection so that only digest files are part of the array.
compensateFileSelection(File[], Configuration) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Compensates a file selection so that only digest files are part of the array.
compensateURLSelection(Configuration, FileObject[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Compensates a URL selection so that candidate digest files are scanned.
compensateURLSelection(FileObject[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Compensates a URL selection so that candidate digest files are scanned.
CONDITION_APP_DIED - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterSupportUtils
Represents the application died condition.
CONDITION_EDT_HANG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterSupportUtils
Represents the EDT hang condition.
CONDITION_EXPLICIT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterSupportUtils
Represents the explicit condition (forced dialog).
configDir - Variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Local directory to use for storage of configuration files.
configureEdition(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Resets the docking windows to their initial configurations (size, location, mode).
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsModel
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsPanel
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListCustom
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateWizard
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Restores values from persistent data stores.
configureUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.SyncWizard
Restores values from persistent data stores.
convertToCheckAnt(Configuration, File[], FileObject[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLIUtils
Converts the given option window parameters to Ant build script fragments.
convertToCheckCLIArgs(Configuration, File[], FileObject[], boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLIUtils
Converts the given option window parameters to command line arguments for digestercli.
convertToGenerateAnt(Configuration, File[], FileObject[], boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLIUtils
Converts the given option window parameters to Ant build script fragments.
convertToGenerateCLIArgs(Configuration, File[], FileObject[], boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLIUtils
Converts the given option window parameters to command line arguments for digestercli.
convertToSyncAnt(Configuration, String, OrderedHashtable<Object, Object[]>, String[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLIUtils
Converts the given option window parameters to Ant build script fragments.
convertToSyncCLIArgs(Configuration, boolean, OrderedHashtable<Object, Object[]>, String, String[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLIUtils
Converts the given option window parameters to command line arguments for sync mode.
createBackgroundTask(Icon, File[], Configuration, TabbedWindow, FileSystemWindow, boolean, boolean, FileObject[], TypeProvider, FileObject[], VFSSessionWindow, FileObject[], String[], TreeMap<FileObject, byte[]>, long, boolean, File, boolean, CryptoManager) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
Convenience method to get a pre-configured background task (maybe download, then check).
createBackgroundTask(Icon, File[], String, Configuration, TabbedWindow, FileSystemWindow, boolean, boolean, boolean, Configuration, FileObject[], TreeMap<FileObject, byte[]>, long, VFSSessionWindow, KeyPairInformation[], Hashtable<String, String>, CryptoManager, VFSConnection) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.DigestGenerator
Convenience method to get a pre-configured background task.
createBackgroundTask(Icon, String, OrderedHashtable<Object, Object[]>, String[], Configuration, TabbedWindow, boolean, boolean, Configuration, FileSystemWindow, VFSSessionWindow, Hashtable<String, Configuration>, TreeMap<FileObject, byte[]>, long, String, boolean, Hashtable<String, String>, Hashtable<String, Boolean>, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.DigestSynchronizer
Convenience method to get a pre-configured background task.
createChecker(File[], Configuration, TabbedWindow, FileSystemWindow, VFSSessionWindow, boolean, FileObject[], TypeProvider, TreeMap<FileObject, byte[]>, long, CryptoManager) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
Convenience method to get a pre-configured checker instance (find digest URLs).
createDefaultDialog(Component) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Convenience method to create a preconfigured dialog instance.
createDefaultDialog(Component) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Convenience method to create a preconfigured dialog instance.
createDefaultDialog(Component) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Convenience method to create a preconfigured dialog instance.
CustomizeServlet - Class in com.lf.digester.web.servlet
Adjusts the 'webstart_war.html' resource for the Digester web start application (read from classpath).
CustomizeServlet() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.web.servlet.CustomizeServlet
Constructor method.


DataLimitsUnit - Class in com.lf.digester.dialog.options
Options unit for file/data limits for an application.
DataLimitsUnit() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Constructor of this form.
debugEntryMapping(OrderedHashtable<Object, Object[]>, String[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Prints some debugging infos about the given entry mapping.
debugPrint() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Prints the caches currently managed by this object.
debugPrint() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Prints the caches currently managed by this object.
deobfuscateLogFile() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterSupportUtils
De-obfuscates a given log file based on the ProGuard map file.
DESCRIPTION_POS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
The index the description starts for the usage lines.
DIGEST_FORMAT_BASE64 - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Represents the Base64 digest format.
DIGEST_FORMAT_HEX - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Represents the hexadecimal digest format.
DigestChecker - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.check
Background task checking digest files in the local file system.
DigestChecker() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
The constructor method for the checker.
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHECK_ANT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHECK_CLI_ARGS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHECK_WINDOW - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_CHECKER_MAX_FILES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_CHECKER_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_CHECKER_MAX_URLS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_CHECKER_MAX_URLS_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_GENERATE_DATALOSS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_GENERATOR_MAX_FILES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_GENERATOR_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_GENERATOR_MAX_URLS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_GENERATOR_MAX_URLS_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_SYNC_DATALOSS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_SYNC_GENERATE_OPTIONS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_SYNC_MAX_FILES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_SYNC_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_SYNC_MAX_URLS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_SYNC_MAX_URLS_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_TARGET_DELETE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_FILE_SYSTEM_DIALOG_ADD_SOURCETARGET - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_FILE_SYSTEM_DIALOG_CHECKER_DOWNLOADS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_FILE_SYSTEM_DIALOG_CHOOSE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_FILE_SYSTEM_DIALOG_SAVE_DIGESTS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_GENERATE_ANT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_GENERATE_CLI_ARGS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_GENERATE_URL_EDIT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_GENERATE_WINDOW - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_GENERATE_WIZARD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_INPUT_DIALOG_ADD_SYNC_TARGET - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_INPUT_DIALOG_RENAME_SYNC_TARGET - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_OVERVIEW - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
Link for the help system.
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_REFRESH_ANT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_REFRESH_CLI_ARGS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_RESULTS_WINDOW_CHECK_TAB - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_RESULTS_WINDOW_GENERATE_TAB - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_RESULTS_WINDOW_TRANSFER_TAB - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_SYNC_ANT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_SYNC_CLI_ARGS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_SYNC_PRESELECT_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_SYNC_WINDOW - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_SYNC_WIZARD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_TASK_DIALOG_CHECKER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_TASK_DIALOG_DIGEST_SAVER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_TASK_DIALOG_GENERATOR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_TASK_DIALOG_SYNCHRONIZER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_TRANSFER_CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_URL_CHECK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_VFS_DIALOG_ADD_SOURCETARGET - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DIGESTER_HELP_ID_VFS_DIALOG_SAVE_DIGESTS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
DigesterCLI - Class in com.lf.digester.cli
The main class running the Digester application (command line mode only, no gui).
DigesterCLI() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterCLI(String[]) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
Constructor method for this class.
DigesterCLIUtils - Class in com.lf.digester.cli
Provides some useful functionality for use with the digester classes.
DigesterCLIUtils() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLIUtils
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterCodes - Class in com.lf.digester.core
Holds all message codes for this package to be extracted by the I18NExtractor.
DigesterCodes() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterCodes
Constructor method.
DigesterController - Class in com.lf.digester.gui
Does the event handling of the panel class PanelWindow.
DigesterController() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Class constructor.
DigesterFactory - Class in com.lf.digester.core
Factory class for vending various objects of the digester package.
DigesterFactory() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Constructs an instance of this factory.
DigesterFileHandler - Class in com.lf.digester.docking
Opens digest files like MD5 directly without calling the system.
DigesterFileHandler() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileHandler
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterFileHandler(ApplicationModel, String, FileTypeUnit, EditorWindow, CheckOptionsWindow) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileHandler
Constructor for the component.
DigesterFileReadUtils - Class in com.lf.digester.docking
Provides some useful functionality to read digest files.
DigesterFileReadUtils() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileReadUtils
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterFileWriteUtils - Class in com.lf.digester.docking
Provides some useful functionality to write digest files.
DigesterFileWriteUtils() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileWriteUtils
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterGUI - Class in com.lf.digester.gui
The main class running the Digester application.
DigesterGUI() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterGUI
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterGUI(String[]) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterGUI
Constructor method for the formatter.
DigesterHelp - Class in com.lf.digester.core
Manages the application help system links to be directly called as context sensitive help.
DigesterHelp() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
Constructor method.
DigesterI18NUtils - Class in com.lf.digester.core
Provides support for common internationalization functions.
DigesterI18NUtils() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterI18NUtils
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterLicenseManager - Class in com.lf.digester.core
Manager class for licensing issues provided for the Digester application.
DigesterLicenseManager() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterLicenseManager(String, Date, String, String, CryptoManager, PassphraseProvider, PassphraseProvider) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Constructor for the license manager.
DigesterModel - Class in com.lf.digester.core
Global instance for the runtime configuration management of the application.
DigesterModel() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterModel(File, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Constructor method.
DigesterOptionsDialog - Class in com.lf.digester.dialog
Application specific subclass of OptionsDialog to configure the preferences.
DigesterOptionsDialog() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.DigesterOptionsDialog
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterOptionsDialog(Dialog, ApplicationModel) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.DigesterOptionsDialog
Constructor method for the dialog.
DigesterOptionsDialog(Frame, ApplicationModel) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.DigesterOptionsDialog
Constructor method for the dialog.
DigesterSettings - Class in com.lf.digester.core
Global settings for the digester package.
DigesterSettings() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Constructor method.
DigesterSupportUtils - Class in com.lf.digester.gui
Method collection to deal with support data etc.
DigesterSupportUtils() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterSupportUtils
Class constructor.
DigesterURLReadUtils - Class in com.lf.digester.docking
Provides some useful functionality to read digest files.
DigesterURLReadUtils() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLReadUtils
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterURLWriteUtils - Class in com.lf.digester.docking
Provides some useful functionality to write digest URLs.
DigesterURLWriteUtils() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLWriteUtils
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterUtils - Class in com.lf.digester.docking
Provides some useful functionality for use with the digester classes.
DigesterUtils() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigesterView - Class in com.lf.digester.gui
Main application window component.
DigesterView() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Initializes the GUI of the application and does some sizing and positioning.
DigestFileSet - Class in com.lf.digester.docking
Methods to manage sets of digest files like GNU/BSD or Digester XML for a given set of targets.
DigestFileSet() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigestFileSet(Vector<File>, boolean, int[], boolean, Configuration, Vector<SuffixFilter>, BackgroundTask, String) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Constructor method.
DigestGenerator - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.generate
Background task generating digest files in the local file system.
DigestGenerator() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.DigestGenerator
The constructor method for the generator.
DigestResult - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.result
Simple data holding class documenting the calculated message digests (without files/URLs).
DigestResult() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigestResult(File, FileObject, String, byte[], String, long, int, String, Vector<IntermediateDigest>, long, long) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Constructor settings the initial values.
DigestResultRenderer - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.result
Implements the TableCellRenderer interface for digests.
DigestResultRenderer() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResultRenderer
Constructor of this class.
DigestSynchronizer - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.sync
Background task to synchronize files and directories using the Digester XML format.
DigestSynchronizer() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.DigestSynchronizer
The constructor method for the generator.
DigestURLSet - Class in com.lf.digester.docking
Methods to manage sets of digest URLs like GNU/BSD or Digester XML for a given set of targets.
DigestURLSet() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
DigestURLSet(Vector<FileObject>, boolean, int[], boolean, Configuration, Vector<SuffixFilter>, BackgroundTask, TreeMap<FileObject, byte[]>, long, String) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Constructor method.
displaySplashMessage(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Displays the given text as message for the JVM splash screen.
DND_FSWINDOW_DRAG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the drag gesture for FileSystemWindow.
DND_SYNC_DROP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the drop gesture for SyncWindow.
DND_VFSWINDOW_DRAG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the drag gesture for VFSSessionWindow.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.lf.digester.web.servlet.CustomizeServlet
Generates the response via HTTP GET.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.lf.digester.web.servlet.LicenseServlet
Generates the response via HTTP GET.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.lf.digester.web.servlet.CustomizeServlet
Generates the response via HTTP POST.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class com.lf.digester.web.servlet.LicenseServlet
Generates the response via HTTP POST.


edit(File[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckHandler
Called if the user start editing a file.
edit(File[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileHandler
Called if the user start editing a file.
edit(File[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateHandler
Called if the user start editing a file.
edit(FileObject[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckHandler
Called if the user start editing a network file.
edit(FileObject[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileHandler
Called if the user start editing a URL.
edit(FileObject[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateHandler
Called if the user start editing a network file.
equals(IntermediateDigest) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.IntermediateDigest
Checks wether a given IntermediateDigest instance is equal to this.
equals(DigestResult) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Checks wether a given GenerateDigestResult instance is equal to this.
equals(FileResult) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Checks wether a given FileResult instance is equal to this.
equals(TransferResult) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Checks wether a given TransferResult instance is equal to this.
equals(URLResult) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Checks wether a given URLResult instance is equal to this.
evalArgumentsCLI(Hashtable<String, String[]>, String[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Evaluates command line arguments passed to the application (except knock-out args).
evalArgumentsGUI(Hashtable<String, String[]>, String[], Vector<LogRecord>, String[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Evaluates command line arguments passed to the application (except knock-out args).
execute() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Shows the dialog on the screen and returns the code of the pressed button.
execute() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Shows the dialog on the screen (no exit code here).
execute() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Shows the dialog on the screen (no exit code here).
exit(int) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Quits this application.
extractLocalization(Class) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Searches for localization patterns and reads the object texts into the configuration.
extractLocalization(Object) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Searches for localization patterns and reads the object texts into the configuration.


FILE_TYPE_GNU_BSD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
File is a GNU/BSD file.
FILE_TYPE_PGP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
File is a PGP signature file.
FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
File is an unknown file.
FILE_TYPE_XML - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
File is a Digester XML file.
FileResult - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.result
Simple data holding class documenting the written digest files (without calculations).
FileResult() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
FileResult(File, int, int, String, int) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Constructor settings the initial values.
FileResultRenderer - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.result
Implements the TableCellRenderer interface for digest files.
FileResultRenderer() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResultRenderer
Constructor of this class.
FILTER_CONFIG_ARCHIVE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents configuration archive (ZIP) files.
FILTER_EDITOR_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents Java properties files.
FILTER_EDITOR_TEXT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents plain text files.
FILTER_EDITOR_XML - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents XML files.
FILTER_IMAGE_BMP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents BMP image files.
FILTER_IMAGE_GIF - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents GIF image files.
FILTER_IMAGE_JPEG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents JPEG image files.
FILTER_IMAGE_PNG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents PNG image files.
FILTER_IMAGE_WBMP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents WBMP image files.
FILTER_LICENSE_PGP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents license PGP files.
FILTER_PGP_KEYRING - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents license PGP keyring files.
find(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Searches this unit for certain patterns specified by the user.
findBestDigests(Vector<File>, Vector<String>, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Determines the best matching digests for the target files from the caches.
findBestDigests(Vector<FileObject>, Vector<String>, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Determines the best matching digests for the target URLs from the caches.
FirstTimeDialog - Class in com.lf.digester.dialog
Initial dialog to present the main operation modes check, generate, and sync (wizards).
FirstTimeDialog() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Constructor method for the dialog (modeless).
FirstTimeDialog(Dialog) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Constructor method for the dialog.
FirstTimeDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Constructor method for the dialog.


generateDigests() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Generate digests in various supported formats (GNU, BSD, XML at the moment).
GenerateFormatPage - Class in com.lf.digester.wizard.generate
Presents the file formats (BSD, GNU, XML) and further options.
GenerateFormatPage() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Constructor of this form.
GenerateHandler - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.generate
Creates the additional context menu items for checksum file generation.
GenerateHandler() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateHandler
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
GenerateHandler(GenerateOptionsWindow) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateHandler
Constructor for the component.
GenerateIntermediatePage - Class in com.lf.digester.wizard.generate
Shows the options for intermediate checksum generation (for XML files and calculate only).
GenerateIntermediatePage() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Constructor of this form.
GenerateOptionsController - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.generate
MVC controller for the GenerateOptionsWindow class.
GenerateOptionsController() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsController
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
GenerateOptionsController(GenerateOptionsWindow) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsController
Constructor for the component.
GenerateOptionsModel - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.generate
MVC model for the GenerateOptionsWindow.
GenerateOptionsModel() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsModel
Constructor for the component.
GenerateOptionsWindow - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.generate
Docking window presenting the contents of the local file system for applications.
GenerateOptionsWindow() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Constructor for the GUI component.
GeneratePage - Class in com.lf.digester.wizard.sync
Presents the file formats (BSD, GNU, PGP, XML) and further options.
GeneratePage() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
GeneratePage(SyncWizard) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Constructor of this form.
GenerateResultsTab - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.result
Component showing calculated message digests and/or files.
GenerateResultsTab() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Constructor method.
GenerateResultsTab(Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<FileResult>, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<URLResult>, String, Icon, StatusBarMessage, boolean, TypeProvider) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Constructor for the GUI component.
GenerateWizard - Class in com.lf.digester.wizard.generate
Wizard dialog for generating checksums and checksum files.
GenerateWizard() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateWizard
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
GenerateWizard(Frame) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateWizard
Constructor for the GUI component.
getAboutBuild() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Provides a data portion used by the AboutTab.
getAboutIcon() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Provides a data portion used by the AboutTab.
getAboutInfo() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Provides a data portion used by the AboutTab.
getAboutSplash() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Provides a data portion used by the AboutTab.
getAboutTitle() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Provides a data portion used by the AboutTab.
getActionDelegate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the optional action delegate responsible for shared buttons and menu items.
getActionDelegate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the optional action delegate responsible for shared buttons and menu items.
getActionDelegate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the optional action delegate responsible for shared buttons and menu items.
getActionDelegate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Provides the optional action delegate responsible for shared buttons and menu items.
getActionDelegate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the optional action delegate responsible for shared buttons and menu items.
getActiveTargetPanel() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the currently active target panel.
getActiveTargetPanelName() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the name of the currently active target panel.
getAgreements() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Provides the license agreements in various localizations.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.IntermediateDigest
Getter for the used algorithm identifier.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for the used algorithm identifier.
getAlgorithm(String, Configuration) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Determine the expected algorithm based on the suffix (not included for GNU files).
getAllDigests(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Provides the digests from a certain digest file.
getAllDigests(FileObject) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Provides the digests from a certain digest URL.
getAllExtensions(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the currently configured extensions for digest files.
getAllExtensions(Configuration, boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the currently configured extensions for digest files.
getAllFileDigests() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the file digest table data.
getAllSuffixFilters() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Convenience method to get all available file filters.
getAllURLDigests() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the URL digest table data.
getApplicationDownloadDir() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Provides the directory to store downloaded files like the PDF manual for Web Start deploys.
getApplicationModel() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Provides the underlying application model.
getApplicationProperties(boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Provides the application specific settings used by the ApplicationTab class.
getArguments() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the argument array passed to the main method.
getAssociatedTarget(Object, Object, Object) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Assembles the target file/URL associated with the given source file/URL.
getBestDigestCount() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Provides the number of best-matching digests in cache.
getBestDigestCount() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Provides the number of best-matching digests in cache.
getBestDigests() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Provides the best-matching digests in cache.
getBestDigests() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Provides the best-matching digests in cache.
getBestDigests(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Provides the best-matching digests in cache.
getBestDigests(FileObject) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Provides the best-matching digests in cache.
getBestDigestTargets() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Provides the target files for the best-matching digests in cache.
getBestDigestTargets() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Provides the target URLs for the best-matching digests in cache.
getBigIcon() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Provides the graphical icon of a certain size (normally 32x32 pixels).
getBuildAndDate() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
Assembles the application information including build and date.
getBuildAndDate() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterGUI
Assembles the application information including build and date.
getButtonAutoAdjust() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Provides the JToggleButton adjusting the column widths.
getButtonCancel() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Provides the cancel button.
getButtonClose() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Provides the cancel button.
getButtonClose() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Provides the cancel button.
getButtonCompare() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Provides the OK button.
getButtonDelete() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Provides the JButton to delete entries.
getButtonIgnore() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsPanel
Provides the "Ignore" toggle button.
getButtonOK() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Provides the OK button.
getCache() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
Provides the cache for mappings.
getCheckedTargetCount() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
Provides the number of successfully checked target files/URLs.
getClone() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Creates an exact copy of this instance.
getCollapsiblePanel(GradientPanel) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the associated CollapsiblePanel for the given header panel.
getCollapsiblePanel(SourceTargetPanel) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the associated CollapsiblePanel for the given target panel.
getComboBoxTemplates() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Provides the JComboBox showing the generate/refresh templates.
getComment() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for comment.
getComment() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Getter for comment.
getComment() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Getter for comment.
getComment() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Getter for comment.
getComponent() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Provides the GUI component to be displayed.
getComponent() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the component to be displayed in the center of the docking manager.
getComponent() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the component to be displayed in the center of the docking manager.
getComponent() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the component to be displayed by the tabbed docking window.
getComponent() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Provides the component to be displayed by the tabbed docking window.
getComponent() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the component to be displayed in the center of the docking manager.
getComponent() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Provides the GUI component to be displayed.
getComponent() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Provides the GUI component to be displayed.
getComponent() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Provides the GUI component to be displayed.
getComponent() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Provides the GUI component to be displayed.
getConfigDir() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Get the local path to the configuration directory of the application (in the user's home).
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the check options as a whole.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Provides the current user settings specified by user interaction.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Provides the current user settings specified by user interaction.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateWizard
Assembles the page configurations so that the generation can be started based on settings.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Provides the current user settings specified by user interaction.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Provides the current user settings specified by user interaction.
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.SyncWizard
Assembles the page configurations so that the generation can be started based on settings.
getConfiguration(String, Configuration, boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Extracts the window options from the given model configuration (no GUI required).
getConfigurationForDisplay(Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Provides the application configuration included in the license document to be displayed.
getConfigurationKeystorePwd() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Provides the passphrases configuration for persistent storage.
getController() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the event callback instance (controller in MVC terms).
getCronManager() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the application specific manager running regularly tasks.
getCryptoManager() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the application specific manager for cryptographic operations.
getCryptoManagerPGP() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the application specific manager for cryptographic operations (PGP engine).
getCurrentLogFile() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the proper reference of the current log file (rotation is detected).
getDefaultComment() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the default comment used for this application
getDefaultSyncTemplate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsModel
Provides the default generate options reasonable for sync ops.
getDefaultSyncTemplate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the default generate options reasonable for sync ops.
getDefaultTemplate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsModel
Provides the default template settings.
getDefaultTemplate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Provides the default template settings.
getDefaultValues() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Provides the default values for this model.
getDeployProps() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Provides the application deploy properties (not Commons!).
getDeployProps() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Gets the global version information.
getDigestCount(Vector<File>) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Provides the number of digests in cache (without intermediates).
getDigestCount(Vector<FileObject>) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Provides the number of digests in cache (without intermediates).
getDigestFiles(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Collects the digest files of the given type in the internal cache.
getDigestFiles(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Collects the relevant digest files for the given target.
getDigestFilesPerTarget(Configuration, File, boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks the given file if there is at least one per-target digest file in the directory.
getDigestFilesPerTarget(File, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks the given file if there is at least one per-target digest file in the directory.
getDigestFileURL() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Getter for digest file/URL.
getDigestMenuOptions(String, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Configures the options so that the context menu item can be executed (checksum).
getDigestResults(boolean, Object, Vector<DigestResult>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.Summary
Extracts all contained digests optionally including intermediates.
getDigests() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Getter for checksums.
getDigests() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Getter for checksums.
getDigestURLCandidatesPerTarget(Configuration, FileObject, boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks the given URL if there is at least one per-target digest file in the directory.
getDigestURLCandidatesPerTarget(FileObject, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks the given URL if there is at least one per-target digest file in the directory.
getDigestURLs() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.URLCandidateChecker
Provides the digest URLs to be loaded and checked.
getDigestURLs(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Collects the digest URLs of the given type in the internal cache.
getDigestURLs(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Collects the relevant digest URLs for the given target.
getDockingManager() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the docking manager specified when windowAdded() was called.
getDockingManager() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the docking manager specified when windowAdded() was called.
getDockingManager() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the docking manager specified when windowAdded() was called.
getDockingManager() - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Provides the docking manager instance holding other components like the status bar.
getDownloaded() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Getter for downloaded file.
getDropEnabled() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Getter for the drop gesture (default: false).
getDropEnabled() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Getter for the drop gesture supported by this window (default: false).
getDuration() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for duration.
getDuration() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Getter for duration.
getEdition() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Provides the current product type like "Standard Edition".
getEditionShort() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Provides the current product type like "SE" which stands for "Standard Edition".
getEnglishMessage(String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to get a localized official message for the user.
getEnglishText(Class, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to get the original (English) text.
getEnglishText(Class, String, String[], String[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to get the original (English) text.
getEnglishTexts() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the English texts for the GUI (labels, tooltips etc.).
getEntries(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Provides the entries currently managed by this panel (original VFSURI objects).
getEntryMapping(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Prepares the current entries for the synchronization.
getEntryMapping(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Prepares the current entries for the synchronization.
getEvaluationFile() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the local file indicating that the software is still being evaluated for installer.
getFile() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Getter for digest file.
getFileArgs() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the file argument array passed to the main method.
getFileType(String, Configuration) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Collects all available files in a given local directory (File variant).
getFirstBestTargetPanel() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the first-best target panel.
getFirstTargetFile(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.Summary
Provides the first target in this document.
getFirstTargetURL(FileObject) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.Summary
Provides the first target in this document.
getFlippedEntryMapping(OrderedHashtable<Object, Object[]>, String, String[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Implements flipping sources with targets.
getFlipSourceTarget(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Extracts, if the sources should be flipped with the active target set.
getFlipTarget(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Extracts the name if the target set to be flipped with the active target set.
getFromPos() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Getter for start index.
getFullVersion() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
Assembles the full version information including build and date.
getFullVersion() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterGUI
Assembles the full version information including build and date.
getGenerateTemplate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Provides the currently selected generate/refresh template.
getGlobalAccelerators() - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Provides the items holding the global accelerators like "F1" (help) also used for dialogs.
getHelpDelegate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Gets the global help delegate.
getHelpID(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
Provides the mapping from Commons help identifiers to application help map identifiers.
getHelpID(String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method for utilizing the help delegate.
getHexDigest() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.IntermediateDigest
Getter for hex digest.
getHexDigest() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for hex digest.
getI18NBase() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the global resource path for internationalization resources.
getI18NTexts() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the locale specific texts for the GUI (labels, tooltips etc.).
getIcon() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the graphical icon of the window used for display.
getIcon() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the graphical icon of the window used for display.
getIcon() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the graphical icon of the tab used for display.
getIcon() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Provides the graphical icon of the tab used for display.
getIcon() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the graphical icon of the window used for display.
getIcon() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Provides the graphical icon of the page used for display.
getIcon() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Provides the graphical icon of the page used for display.
getIcon() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Provides the graphical icon of the page used for display.
getIcon() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Provides the graphical icon of the page used for display.
getID() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the identifier for the window.
getID() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the identifier for the window.
getID() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the identifier for the window.
getIndexTargetPanel(SourceTargetPanel) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the index of the given target panel.
getIntermediates() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for intermediate digests.
getJVMID() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the unique identification of the current JVM (system wide).
getKeysFromTemplate(String, Configuration, Hashtable<String, String>) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Extracts the signer keys and associated URLs from the template.
getKeystoreFile() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Provides the keystore file for persistent storage.
getKeystorePwdFile() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Provides the PGP passphrases file for persistent storage.
getLicenseAgreement() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the locale specific license agreement (core package).
getLicenseDir() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Provides the directory to store the license files.
getLicenseFile() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the local license file reference.
getLicenseManager() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the application specific manager for cryptographic operations.
getLocalization(String, Locale, Object) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterI18NUtils
Provides the VFS reference for a localization resource.
getLogEncoding() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Gets the global encoding used for logging.
getLogfileName() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the current log file used by the application.
getLogger() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Gets the global logging instance.
getLogHandlers(Class<T>) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Gets all handlers for logging (e.g. useful for module test support).
getLogLocale() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Gets the global locale used for logging.
getMaxFiles(String, Configuration, int) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Convenience getter for the maximum number of files to process.
getMaxLength(String, Configuration, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Convenience getter for the maximum amount of data to process.
getMenuItemCheckFile() - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Provides one of the menu items.
getMessage() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the status bar message for the tab from the creator.
getMessage() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Provides the status bar message for the tab from the creator.
getMessageCodes() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the global message codes handlers.
getMode() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the mode the the window is presented.
getMode() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the mode the the window is presented.
getMode() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Getter for mode.
getMode() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the mode the the window is presented.
getModel() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the dynamic configuration reference (model in MVC terms).
getModeUsage(String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
Provides the mode usage message (list of command line arguments).
getNameAndVersion() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
Assembles the application information including name and version.
getNameAndVersion() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterGUI
Assembles the application information including name and version.
getNamesTargetPanel() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the names of the managed target panels.
getNameTargetPanel(CollapsiblePanel) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the name of the given target panel.
getNameTargetPanel(SourceTargetPanel) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the name of the given target panel.
getNextPage() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Provides the next page to be displayed by the dialog.
getNextPage() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Provides the next page to be displayed by the dialog.
getNextPage() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Provides the next page to be displayed by the dialog.
getNextPage() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Provides the next page to be displayed by the dialog.
getObjectDelegated(String, Object) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Provides the expected identified object from the delegate's cache.
getOverviewText() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Provides the text displayed by the overview (shorter than title).
getOverviewText() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Provides the text displayed by the overview (shorter than title).
getOverviewText() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Provides the text displayed by the overview (shorter than title).
getOverviewText() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Provides the text displayed by the overview (shorter than title).
getPassphraseProviderAES() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Returns the key provider.
getPassphraseProviderSignature() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Returns the signature provider.
getPeriodicTaskManager() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the application specific manager for periodically executed tasks.
getPGPKeyDialogController() - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Provides the controller responsible for creating new PGP keys etc.
getPGPKeyURLs() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the cache holding the network addresses to download the public keys.
getPGPMenuOptions(KeyPairInformation, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Configures the options so that the context menu item can be executed (PGP signature).
getPGPSignKeyURL() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for sign key URL (PGP signatures).
getPGPSignKeyUserID() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for sign key user ID (PGP signatures).
getPlainFormatSuffix(String, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the current suffix for XML/GNU/BSD files without leading dot.
getPosition() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.IntermediateDigest
Getter for position.
getPossibleNextPages() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Provides the set of pages that are possibly displayed next.
getPossibleNextPages() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Provides the set of pages that are possibly displayed next.
getPossibleNextPages() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Provides the set of pages that are possibly displayed next.
getPossibleNextPages() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Provides the set of pages that are possibly displayed next.
getPreferredHeight() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the preferred height of the component for TOP and BOTTOM locations.
getPreferredHeight() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the preferred height of the component for TOP and BOTTOM locations.
getPreferredHeight() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the preferred height of the component for TOP and BOTTOM locations.
getPreferredWidth() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the preferred width of the component for LEFT and RIGHT locations.
getPreferredWidth() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the preferred width of the component for LEFT and RIGHT locations.
getPreferredWidth() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the preferred width of the component for LEFT and RIGHT locations.
getRawDigest() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.IntermediateDigest
Getter for raw digest.
getRawDigest() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for raw digest.
getReleaseNotes() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the locale specific release notes (core package).
getReleaseNotesURL() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the release notes URL (core package).
getRootResourcePath() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the global resource path for configuration files.
getSelectedAlgorithms() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Provides the current selection (official names).
getSelectedFileDigestResults() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the file digest table selection (results).
getSelectedFileDigests() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the file digest table selection.
getSelectedFiles() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the files table selection.
getSelectedKeyIDs() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Provides the key identifiers currently selected by this panel.
getSelectedKeys() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Provides the entries currently selected by this panel.
getSelectedURLDigestResults() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the URL digest table selection (results).
getSelectedURLDigests() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the URL digest table selection.
getSelectedURLs() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the URLs table selection.
getSharedInstance() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Provides the shared instance of the factory implementation.
getSharedInstance() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to get a shared instance.
getSmallIcon() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Provides the graphical icon of a certain size (normally 16x16 pixels).
getSourceEntries(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Provides the source entries defined by the given mapping/template.
getSourceEntry() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Getter for source entry.
getSourceGenerateTemplate(Configuration) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Extracts the template to execute for the source set.
getSourceGenerateTemplate(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Extracts the template to execute for the source set.
getSourceGenerateTemplateRefresh(Configuration) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Extracts the refresh flag for the template to execute for the source set.
getSourceGenerateTemplateRefresh(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Extracts the refresh flag for the template to execute for the source set.
getStandaloneURLs() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.URLCandidateChecker
The target resources without any digest file reference.
getStatus() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for status.
getStatus() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Getter for status.
getStatus() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Getter for status.
getStatus() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Getter for status.
getSuffixFilter(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Convenience method to get a certain file filter.
getSuffixFilters(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the extensions defined for the algorithms and the XML format.
getSuffixFilters(Configuration, boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the extensions defined for the algorithms and the XML format.
getSupportedActions() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the supported shared actions for this delegate.
getSupportedActions() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the supported shared actions for this delegate.
getSupportedActions() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the supported shared actions for this delegate.
getSupportedActions() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Provides the supported shared actions for this delegate.
getSupportedActions() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the supported shared actions for this delegate.
getSupportedLocales(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Returns the locales currently supported by the package.
getSupportedLocales(String, Object, boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterI18NUtils
Returns the locales currently supported for the messages and stuff.
getSystemErr() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the original standard error channel.
getSystemOut() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the original standard output channel.
getTabbedWindow() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the tabbed docking window specified when tabAdded() was called.
getTabbedWindow() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Provides the tabbed docking window specified when tabAdded() was called.
getTable() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Provides the JTable showing the entries.
getTable() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsPanel
Provides the table.
getTable() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Provides the JTable showing the entries.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResultRenderer
Method with rendering functionality.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResultRenderer
Method with rendering functionality.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultRenderer
Method with rendering functionality.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResultRenderer
Method with rendering functionality.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetRenderer
Method with rendering functionality.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListRenderer
Method with rendering functionality.
getTargetCount() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.Summary
Provides the number of target entries in this document.
getTargetEntry() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Getter for target entry.
getTargetFile() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for file target.
getTargetGenerateTemplates(Configuration) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Extracts the template(s) to execute for the target set(s).
getTargetGenerateTemplates(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Extracts the template(s) to execute for the target set(s).
getTargetGenerateTemplatesRefresh(Configuration) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Extracts the refresh flag for the template to execute for the source set.
getTargetGenerateTemplatesRefresh(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Extracts the refresh flag for the template to execute for the source set.
getTargetPanel(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the panel for the given target set name.
getTargetPanelName(SourceTargetPanel) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the name for the given target set panel.
getTargetPanels() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the managed target panels.
getTargets(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Provides the target set entries defined by the given mapping/template.
getTargetSet() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsPanel
Provides the name of the represented target set.
getTargetSetNames() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the names of the target sets.
getTargetSetNames(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Provides the names of the target sets defined by the given mapping/template.
getTargetURL() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for URL target.
getTargetURLs() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.URLCandidateChecker
Provides the target URLs to be downloaded and checked (only if not standalone).
getTemplate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the current generate options as a whole.
getTemplate() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the current template settings.
getTemplate(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsModel
Provides the desired template, original container is copied (you may alter values).
getTemplate(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Provides the desired template, original container is copied (you may alter values).
getTemplate(String, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the generate options from the internal cache.
getTemplate(String, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the generate options from the internal cache.
getTemplateName() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the identifier of the current generate template.
getTemplateName() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the name of the current template.
getTemplatePanel() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the template panel to add listeners etc.
getTemplates() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsModel
Provides the template configurations (copies, feel free to alter :-).
getTemplates() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the template configurations (copies, feel free to alter :-).
getTemplates() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the template configurations (copies, feel free to alter :-).
getTemplates() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Provides the template configurations (copies, feel free to alter :-).
getText() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Provides the text of the item to be displayed in the list of the OptionsDialog.
getTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Gets the main window title which may be extracted from the command line parameters.
getTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Provides the title of the item to be displayed on top of the OptionsDialog.
getTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the title of the window used for display.
getTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the title of the window used for display.
getTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the title of the tab used for display.
getTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Provides the title of the tab used for display.
getTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the title of the window used for display.
getTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Provides the title of the page used for display.
getTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Provides the title of the page used for display.
getTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Provides the title of the page used for display.
getTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Provides the title of the page used for display.
getToolTip() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the tooltip of the window used for display.
getToolTip() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the tooltip of the window used for display.
getToolTip() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the tooltip of the tab used for display.
getToolTip() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Provides the tooltip of the tab used for display.
getToolTip() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the tooltip of the window used for display.
getTrust() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for trust (refresh/sync).
getType() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Getter for file type.
getType() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Getter for URL type.
getURL() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Getter for digest URL.
getURLArgs() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the URL argument array passed to the main method.
getURLCache() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Provides the cache holding the network addresses to download the public keys.
getUsage() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
Provides the usage message (list of command line arguments).
getUsage() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterGUI
Provides the usage message (list of command line arguments).
getUsageArgs() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
Provides the usage message parts (list of command line arguments).
getUserLocale() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Gets the global user locale.
getUserMessage(String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to get a localized official message for the user.
getUserText(Class, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to get a localized text for the user.
getUserText(Class, String, String[], String[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to get a localized text for the user.
getVersion() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.Summary
Provides the summary file version.
getView() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Provides the main window reference (view in MVC terms).
getWindowHeight() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the height when in window mode.
getWindowHeight() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the height when in window mode.
getWindowHeight() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the height when in window mode.
getWindowLocation() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the last location of the window passed to the windowxxx() methods.
getWindowLocation() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the last location of the window passed to the windowxxx() methods.
getWindowLocation() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the last location of the window passed to the windowxxx() methods.
getWindowLocationX() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the location on the x-axis when in window mode.
getWindowLocationX() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the location on the x-axis when in window mode.
getWindowLocationX() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the location on the x-axis when in window mode.
getWindowLocationY() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the location on the y-axis when in window mode.
getWindowLocationY() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the location on the y-axis when in window mode.
getWindowLocationY() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the location on the y-axis when in window mode.
getWindowState() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the state (iconified etc.) when in window mode.
getWindowState() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the state (iconified etc.) when in window mode.
getWindowState() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the state (iconified etc.) when in window mode.
getWindowWidth() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the width when in window mode.
getWindowWidth() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the width when in window mode.
getWindowWidth() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the width when in window mode.
getXMLEntrySize(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Provides the file size from the XML document.
getXMLEntrySize(FileObject) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Provides the URL size from the XML document.
getXMLEntryTimestamp(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Provides the file timestamp from the XML document.
getXMLEntryTimestamp(FileObject) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Provides the URL timestamp from the XML document.
getXMLLength() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for target "length".
getXMLModified() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Getter for target "modified".


handle(File[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckHandler
Called when a context menu (popup) becomes visible.
handle(File[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileHandler
Called when a context menu (popup) becomes visible.
handle(File[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateHandler
Called when a context menu (popup) becomes visible.
handle(FileObject[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckHandler
Called when a context menu (popup) becomes visible.
handle(FileObject[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateHandler
Called when a context menu (popup) becomes visible.
handleAbout(AboutEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Called when the application is asked to show it's about dialog (Mac OS X only).
handlePreferences(PreferencesEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Called when the app is asked to show it's preferences UI (Mac OS X only).
handleQuitRequestWith(QuitEvent, QuitResponse) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Invoked when the application is asked to quit (Mac OS X only).
hasDigestFilePerTarget(File, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks the given file if there is at least one per-target digest file in the directory.
hasDigestURLPerTarget(FileObject, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks the given URL if there is at least one per-target digest file in the directory.
HEX_CASE_LOWER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Represents the hexadecimal digest format in lower-case.
HEX_CASE_UPPER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Represents the Base64 digest format in upper-case.
hexedit(File[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckHandler
Called if the user start hexediting a file.
hexedit(File[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateHandler
Called if the user start hexediting a file.
hexedit(FileObject[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckHandler
Called if the user start hexediting a network file.
hexedit(FileObject[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateHandler
Called if the user start hexediting a network file.


ICON_DIGEST_INVALID - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_DIGEST_VALID - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_EMPTY - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_ERROR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_ERROR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_ERROR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_ERROR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_IGNORED - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_IGNORED - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_IGNORED - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_NONE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_OK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_OK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_OK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_PENDING - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_SMALL - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Default unit icon.
ICON_SOURCE_TARGET - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_TARGET_SOURCE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_URL - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Represents a download URL.
ICON_WARNING - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResultRenderer
Default icon.
ICON_WARNING - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultRenderer
Default icon.
ID_CAPTURE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Identifier for shared CaptureDialog instance.
ID_COMMUNITY_EDITION - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Product type identifier.
ID_DEVELOPMENT_EDITION - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Product type identifier.
ID_ENTERPRISE_EDITION - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Product type identifier.
ID_EVALUATION_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Identifier for shared EvaluationDialog instance.
ID_FASTSPRING_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Product provider identifier.
ID_GENERATE_WIZARD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Identifier for shared GenerateWizard instance.
ID_HELP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Identifier for shared HelpDialog instance.
ID_LEISENFELS_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Product provider identifier.
ID_MICROSOFT_STORE_MEDIA_ID - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Installer media identifier.
ID_MICROSOFT_STORE_PROVIDER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Product provider identifier.
ID_NET_MONITOR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Identifier for shared VFSNetMonitor instance.
ID_NONE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
The "None" template item identifier.
ID_OPTIONS_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Identifier for shared OptionsDialog instance.
ID_PREMIUM_SUPPORT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Support level identifier.
ID_REGISTER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Identifier for shared RegisterDialog instance.
ID_RELEASE_NOTES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Identifier for shared NotesDialog instance.
ID_STANDARD_SUPPORT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Support level identifier.
ID_STATUS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Identifier for shared StatusDialog instance.
ID_SYNC_WIZARD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Identifier for shared SyncWizard instance.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Gives notification that there was an insert into the document.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Gives notification that there was an insert into the document.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsController
Gives notification that there was an insert into the document.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Gives notification that there was an insert into the document.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Gives notification that there was an insert into the document.
installGlobalAccelerators(JDialog) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience to add the global accelerators like "F1" (help) for a specific dialog.
installGlobalAccelerators(JFrame) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience to add the global accelerators like "F1" (help) for a specific frame.
IntermediateDigest - Class in com.lf.digester.docking
Simple data holding class for intermediate message digests.
IntermediateDigest() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.IntermediateDigest
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
IntermediateDigest(String, byte[], String, long) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.IntermediateDigest
Constructor settings the initial values.
isAgreeRequired() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Checks if the current license requires the user to commit if it is installed.
isAnonymousStoreLicense() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Determines whether the license is provided by one of the supported stores like Microsoft Store.
isAutomatic() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides if the window may be controlled externally.
isAutomatic() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides if the window may be controlled externally.
isAutomatic() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides if the window may be controlled externally.
isButtonPressed() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the info whether the window is showing or not (hidden).
isButtonPressed() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the info whether the window is showing or not (hidden).
isButtonPressed() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the info whether the window is showing or not (hidden).
isButtonVisible() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the info whether the control button is visible or not.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the info whether the control button is visible or not.
isButtonVisible() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the info whether the control button is visible or not.
isCloseAllowed() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the info whether the tab may be closed by the user or not.
isCloseAllowed() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Provides the info whether the tab may be closed by the user or not.
isCommunityEdition() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Determines whether the license is for the community edition (no license required).
isDevelopmentEdition() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Determines whether the license is for the development edition.
isDigesterFile(File, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks the given file if the extension is one of the defined digest file suffixes.
isDigesterFile(String, Vector<String>) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks if the given filename is a digest file based on the file extensions.
isDigesterURL(Configuration, FileObject, boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks the given resource if the extension is one of the defined digest file suffixes.
isDigesterURL(FileObject, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks the given resource if the extension is one of the defined digest file suffixes.
isDigesterXMLFile(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks the given file if the extension fits with the configured Digester XML suffix.
isDigesterXMLURL(FileObject) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Checks the given URL if the extension fits with the configured Digester XML suffix.
isDigestFile(File, Vector<SuffixFilter>) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Checks the given file if the extension is one of the defined checksum file suffixes.
isDigestURL(FileObject, Vector<SuffixFilter>) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Checks the given URL if the extension is one of the defined checksum URL suffixes.
isEnterpriseEdition() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Determines whether the license is for the enterprise edition.
isFilePerTarget(File, File) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Checks the given digest file if it was generated per target.
isFlagSelected() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Provides the state of the optional flag shown at the bottom of the dialog.
isFlagSelected() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Provides the state of the optional flag shown at the bottom of the dialog.
isGrowing() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides if the window fills the location completely.
isGrowing() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides if the window fills the location completely.
isGrowing() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides if the window fills the location completely.
isHelpLocaleSupported(Locale) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Checks whether a help system is available for the given locale.
isInitRunning() - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Indicates if the view is currently being initialized.
isInputValid() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Provides the info if the options of this unit are OK to be used.
isInstalledFromStore() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Has the application been installed with an installer from one of the stores?
isLicenseValid() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Determines whether the application can be used with the current license.
isModified() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Provides the info if the options of this unit have been changed.
isPGPSignature() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Convenience to determine if this result represents a PGP signature.
isStartupFinished() - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterGUI
Checks if the GUI has been created completely.
isURLPerTarget(FileObject, FileObject) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Checks the given digest URL if it was generated per target.
isValidPremiumSupport() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterLicenseManager
Has the user registered for Premium Support?
isWindowMode() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the info whether the window is being displayed as separate window.
isWindowMode() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the info whether the window is being displayed as separate window.
isWindowMode() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the info whether the window is being displayed as separate window.
isWindowVisible() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides if the window is currently being shown.
isWindowVisible() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides if the window is currently being shown.
isWindowVisible() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides if the window is currently being shown.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsController
Reacts on combo box selection changes.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Reacts on combo box selection changes.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Reacts on check box selections.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Reacts on check box selections.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Reacts on check box selections.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Reacts on check box selections.


JarLocator - Class in
Used for finding resources from separate JAR files (class loader).
JarLocator() - Constructor for class


LicenseServlet - Class in com.lf.digester.web.servlet
Special servlet implementing a web service displaying the application's license agreement text.
LicenseServlet() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.web.servlet.LicenseServlet
Constructor method.
loadFromTemplate(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Sets the selected keys and the URLs from the template.
localize(Object, Class) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Searches for localization patterns and sets the object texts from the configuration.
log(Level, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to log a message.
LOG_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Prefix used for the log messages created by this module.
logMessage(String, Level) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to log a localized official message.
logMessage(String, Level, String[], String[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to log a localized official message.
logMessage(String, Level, String, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to log a localized official message.
lookAndFeelChanged(String, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Reacts on changes of the look & feel performed by the manager.


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
This can be used for the application be executed standalone.
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterGUI
This can be used for the application be executed standalone.
mapToSyncOptions(Configuration, String, boolean, Object[], Object[], String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Derives appropriate sync options from the given generate options.
MAX_URL_SIZE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
Default size of digest URLs to be chached.
MODE_PREVIEW - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterSupportUtils
Represents a mode.
MODE_SAVE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterSupportUtils
Represents a mode.
MODE_SOURCE_TARGET - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Transfer mode.
MODE_SUBMIT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterSupportUtils
Represents a mode.
MODE_TARGET_SOURCE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Transfer mode.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
MouseListener method.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
MouseListener method.
MSG_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Prefix used for the log messages like "COMMONS-0001".


open(File[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckHandler
Called if the user double-clicks a file.
open(File[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileHandler
Called if the user double-clicks a file.
open(File[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateHandler
Called if the user double-clicks a file.
open(FileObject[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckHandler
Called if the user double-clicks a network file.
open(FileObject[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileHandler
Called if the user double-clicks a URL.
open(FileObject[], boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateHandler
Called if the user double-clicks a network file.
openStatusReport() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterSupportUtils
Opens a status report.
OptionsPage - Class in com.lf.digester.wizard.sync
Lt's the user choose the message digest algorithms and/or PGP signature keys.
OptionsPage() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
OptionsPage(SyncWizard) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Constructor of this form.


PACKAGE_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
This base package.
pageAdded(WizardDialog) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Informs the wizard page that it will soon be used by the wizard dialog.
pageAdded(WizardDialog) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Informs the wizard page that it will soon be used by the wizard dialog.
pageAdded(WizardDialog) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Informs the wizard page that it will soon be used by the wizard dialog.
pageAdded(WizardDialog) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Informs the wizard page that it will soon be used by the wizard dialog.
pageBecomesHidden() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Informs the wizard page that it will be made invisible by the dialog.
pageBecomesHidden() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Informs the wizard page that it will be made invisible by the dialog.
pageBecomesHidden() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Informs the wizard page that it will be made invisible by the dialog.
pageBecomesHidden() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Informs the wizard page that it will be made invisible by the dialog.
pageBecomesShown() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Informs the wizard page that it will be made visible by the dialog.
pageBecomesShown() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Informs the wizard page that it will be made visible by the dialog.
pageBecomesShown() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Informs the wizard page that it will be made visible by the dialog.
pageBecomesShown() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Informs the wizard page that it will be made visible by the dialog.
pageIsHiding() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Informs the wizard page that it was made invisible by the wizard.
pageIsHiding() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Informs the wizard page that it was made invisible by the wizard.
pageIsHiding() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Informs the wizard page that it was made invisible by the wizard.
pageIsHiding() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Informs the wizard page that it was made invisible by the wizard.
pageIsShowing() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Informs the wizard page that it was made visible by the dialog.
pageIsShowing() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Informs the wizard page that it was made visible by the dialog.
pageIsShowing() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Informs the wizard page that it was made visible by the dialog.
pageIsShowing() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Informs the wizard page that it was made visible by the dialog.
panelClosed(CollapsiblePanel) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Informs the listener that the panel has been closed.
panelCollapsed(CollapsiblePanel) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Informs the listener that the panel has been collapsed.
panelExpanded(CollapsiblePanel) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Informs the listener that the panel has been expanded.
PGPKeyPanel - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.generate
Panel to present a list of secret PGP keys to be used for creating detached signatures.
PGPKeyPanel() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Constructor method for i18n purposes and the GUI editing only.
popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Popup menu was cancelled.
popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Popup menu was cancelled.
popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Popup menu was cancelled.
popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Popup menu will become invisible.
popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Popup menu will become invisible.
popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Popup menu will become invisible.
popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Popup menu will become visible.
popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Popup menu will become visible.
popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Popup menu will become visible.
prepareManagersCLI() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Prepares the managers for the CLI application.
prepareSupportData(int, Vector<Object[]>, File[], boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterSupportUtils
Collects relevant data from the application (preview is optional).
printCopyright() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
Prints the copyright message via System.out.
printCopyright() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterGUI
Prints the copyright message via System.out.
printModeUsage(String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
Prints the usage relevant for the operation mode message via System.out.
printUsage() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.cli.DigesterCLI
Prints the usage message via System.out.
printUsage() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterGUI
Prints the usage message via System.out.
processAction(SharedAction) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Indicates that the given action was initiated and must be processed.
processAction(SharedAction) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Indicates that the given action was initiated and must be processed.
processAction(SharedAction) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Indicates that the given action was initiated and must be processed.
processAction(SharedAction) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Indicates that the given action was initiated and must be processed.
processAction(SharedAction) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Indicates that the given action was initiated and must be processed.


readDigestFile(File, Vector<DigestResult>, Hashtable<DigestResult, File>, int, boolean, Vector<String[]>, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileReadUtils
Reads the given digest file according to its extension and returns the file result.
readDigestURL(FileObject, Vector<DigestResult>, Hashtable<DigestResult, FileObject>, int, boolean, Vector<String[]>, String, boolean, boolean, TreeMap<FileObject, byte[]>, long, boolean, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLReadUtils
Reads the given digest URL according to its extension and returns the URL result.
readGNUBSD(File, Vector<DigestResult>, Hashtable<DigestResult, File>, String, boolean, boolean, Vector<String[]>, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileReadUtils
Reads the given GNU/BSD digest file and extracts the contents (digests and target files).
readGNUBSD(FileObject, Vector<DigestResult>, Hashtable<DigestResult, FileObject>, String, boolean, boolean, Vector<String[]>, TreeMap<FileObject, byte[]>, long, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLReadUtils
Reads the given GNU/BSD digest URL and extracts the contents (digests and target URLs).
readPGP(File, Vector<DigestResult>, String, Hashtable<DigestResult, File>, Vector<String[]>, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileReadUtils
Reads the given PGP signature file and extracts the contents.
readPGP(FileObject, Vector<DigestResult>, String, Hashtable<DigestResult, FileObject>, Vector<String[]>, TreeMap<FileObject, byte[]>, long, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLReadUtils
Reads the given PGP signature URL and extracts the contents.
readXML(File, Vector<DigestResult>, Hashtable<DigestResult, File>, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileReadUtils
Reads the given XML digest file and extracts the contents (digests and target files).
readXML(FileObject, Vector<DigestResult>, Hashtable<DigestResult, FileObject>, Vector<String[]>, TreeMap<FileObject, byte[]>, long, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLReadUtils
Reads the given XML digest URL and extracts the contents (digests and target files).
refresh() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Updates the contents of the docking window.
refresh() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Updates the contents of the docking window.
refresh() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Updates the contents of the tab.
refresh() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Updates the contents of the tab.
refresh() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Updates the contents of the docking window.
registerConfigurable(String, ConfigurableUnit) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to allow for simple registration of a Digester configurable unit.
registerConfigurableDelegated(String, ConfigurableUnit) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Implements the bridge between this application model and the Commons framework units.
removeArtifacts() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Removes the digest files where all digests have no target.
removeArtifacts() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Removes the digest URLs where all digests have no target.
removeEntry(Object) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Remove an existing source.
removeOtherFormats(int[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Removes the digest files in other formats.
removeOtherFormats(int[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Removes the digest URLs in other formats.
removeTabListener(TabListener) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Removes a listener reacting on tab changes.
removeTabListener(TabListener) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Removes a listener reacting on tab changes.
removeTarget(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestFileSet
Removes the results for the given ignored target.
removeTarget(FileObject) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigestURLSet
Removes the results for the given ignored target.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsController
Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Gives notification that a portion of the document has been removed.
renameTargetPanel(SourceTargetPanel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Renames a certain target panel.
request(Object) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterFactory
Create the factory shared object, recycle if already existing.
reset() - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.SyncWizard
Resets the wizard pages for the next time this dialog is used.
resetSearch(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Resets this unit so that the components do not highlight any search results.
resetWindows() - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Resets the docking windows to their initial configurations (size, location, mode).
ResourceLocator - Class in com.lf.digester.resource
Used for supporting the ProGuard obfuscator.
ResourceLocator() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.resource.ResourceLocator
run() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.URLCandidateChecker
Executable code.
run() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.DigestChecker
Execution code.
run() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.DigestGenerator
Execution code.
run() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.DigestSynchronizer
Execution code.


searchDigest(Vector<DigestResult>, File, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Searches the container with calculation results for a specific digest.
searchDigest(Vector<DigestResult>, FileObject, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Searches the container with calculation results for a specific digest.
searchDigests(Vector<DigestResult>, File, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Searches the container with calculation results for specific digests.
searchDigests(Vector<DigestResult>, FileObject, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterUtils
Searches the container with calculation results for specific digests.
setAutomatic(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets if the window may be controlled externally.
setAutomatic(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets if the window may be controlled externally.
setAutomatic(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets if the window may be controlled externally.
setButtonPressed(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the info whether the window is showing or not (hidden).
setButtonPressed(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the info whether the window is showing or not (hidden).
setButtonPressed(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the info whether the window is showing or not (hidden).
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the info whether the control button is visible or not.
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the info whether the control button is visible or not.
setButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the info whether the control button is visible or not.
setComment(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for comment.
setComment(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Setter for comment.
setComment(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Setter for comment.
setConfigDir(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Set the local path to the configuration directory of the application (in the user's home).
setDigest(DigestResult) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Setter for the reference message digest.
setDigestFileURL(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Setter for digest file/URL.
setDownloaded(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Setter for downloaded file.
setDropEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Setter for the drop gesture (default: false).
setDropEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Setter for the drop gesture supported by this window (default: false).
setDuration(long) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for duration.
setDuration(long) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Setter for duration.
setEmptyBorder(EmptyBorder) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Sets the border to align the check boxes.
setEmptyBorder(EmptyBorder) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Sets the border to align the check boxes.
setEntries(Object[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Sets the entries to be managed by this panel, existing entries are removed.
setErrors(Object[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Sets the entries with errors to highlight.
setFlagSelected(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Sets the state of the optional flag shown at the bottom of the dialog.
setFlagSelected(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Sets the state of the optional flag shown at the bottom of the dialog.
setFlagText(String, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Sets the text of the optional flag shown at the bottom of the dialog.
setFlagText(String, boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Sets the text of the optional flag shown at the bottom of the dialog.
setGenerateWindow(GenerateOptionsWindow) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Setter for the options docking window.
setGrowing(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets if the window fills the location completely.
setGrowing(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets if the window fills the location completely.
setGrowing(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets if the window fills the location completely.
setHelpID(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Sets the optional help link to call the help system.
setHelpID(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Sets the optional help link to call the help system.
setHelpID(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Sets the optional help link to call the help system.
setHelpID(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Sets the identifier for the context sensitive help (must be delegated).
setHelpID(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Sets the identifier for the context sensitive help (must be delegated).
setHexDigest(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.IntermediateDigest
Setter for hex digest.
setHexDigest(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for hex digest.
setID(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the identifier for the window.
setID(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the identifier for the window.
setID(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the identifier for the window.
setInitRunning(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Indicates if the view is currently being initialized.
setIntermediates(Vector<IntermediateDigest>) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for comment.
setKeys(KeyPairInformation[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Sets the keys to be managed by this panel.
setLicenseManager(DigesterLicenseManager) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Sets the application specific manager for cryptographic operations.
setMaxFiles(String, Configuration, int) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Convenience setter for the maximum number of files to process.
setMaxLength(String, Configuration, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Convenience setter for the maximum amount of data to process.
setMode(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the mode the the window is presented.
setMode(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the mode the the window is presented.
setMode(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Setter for mode.
setMode(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the mode the the window is presented.
setModel(DigesterModel) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Sets the dynamic configuration reference (model in MVC terms).
setNextPage(WizardPage) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Sets the page to follow this page.
setNextPage(WizardPage) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Sets the next page to be displayed by the dialog.
setNextPage(WizardPage) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Sets the page to follow this page.
setNextPage(WizardPage) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Sets the page to follow this page.
setObjectDelegated(String, Object) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Sets the expected identified object in the delegate's cache.
setParent(SyncWindow) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Setter for the parental window.
setPGPSignKeyURL(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for sign key URL (PGP signatures).
setPGPSignKeyUserID(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for sign key user ID (PGP signatures).
setPosition(long) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.IntermediateDigest
Setter for position.
setPreferredHeight(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the preferred height of the component for TOP and BOTTOM locations.
setPreferredHeight(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the preferred height of the component for TOP and BOTTOM locations.
setPreferredHeight(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the preferred height of the component for TOP and BOTTOM locations.
setPreferredWidth(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the preferred width of the component for LEFT and RIGHT locations.
setPreferredWidth(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the preferred width of the component for LEFT and RIGHT locations.
setPreferredWidth(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the preferred width of the component for LEFT and RIGHT locations.
setRawDigest(byte[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.IntermediateDigest
Setter for raw digest.
setRawDigest(byte[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for raw digest.
setSelectedKeyIDs(String[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Sets the entries currently selected by this panel.
setSelectedTemplate(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the template identifier to be selected.
setSelectedTemplate(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the template identifier to be selected.
setSelection(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Sets the selected items, use AND concatenation of static values.
setSelection(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Sets the selected items, use AND concatenation of static values.
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for status.
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Setter for status.
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Setter for status.
setTargetFile(File) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for file target.
setTemplate(Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the current template settings.
setTemplate(Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the current template settings.
setTrust(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for trust (refresh/sync).
setupFileDigestTable() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Configures the table with file digests.
setupFilesTable() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Configures the table with files.
setupFileTypes() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Kind of post-initializer to set the file types AFTER the locale is well-known.
setupURLDigestTable() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Configures the table with URL digests.
setupURLsTable() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Configures the table with URLs.
setupUserLocale(Locale, Vector<LogRecord>) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Sets the global user locale.
setupWindows(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Resets the docking windows to their initial configurations (size, location, mode).
setUserLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Sets the global user locale.
setVerticalGap(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Sets the vertical gap between the check boxes.
setVerticalGap(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Sets the vertical gap between the check boxes.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Activates or deactivates the dialog.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Activates or deactivates the dialog.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Activates or deactivates the dialog.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Activates or deactivates the window.
setWindowHeight(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the height when in window mode.
setWindowHeight(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the height when in window mode.
setWindowHeight(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the height when in window mode.
setWindowLocationX(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the location on the x-axis when in window mode.
setWindowLocationX(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the location on the x-axis when in window mode.
setWindowLocationX(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the location on the x-axis when in window mode.
setWindowLocationY(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the location on the y-axis when in window mode.
setWindowLocationY(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the location on the y-axis when in window mode.
setWindowLocationY(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the location on the y-axis when in window mode.
setWindowMode(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the info whether the window is being displayed as separate window.
setWindowMode(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the info whether the window is being displayed as separate window.
setWindowMode(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the info whether the window is being displayed as separate window.
setWindowState(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the state (iconified etc.) when in window mode.
setWindowState(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the state (iconified etc.) when in window mode.
setWindowState(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the state (iconified etc.) when in window mode.
setWindowVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the state if the window is currently being shown.
setWindowVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the state if the window is currently being shown.
setWindowVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the state if the window is currently being shown.
setWindowWidth(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Sets the width when in window mode.
setWindowWidth(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets the width when in window mode.
setWindowWidth(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets the width when in window mode.
setXMLLength(long) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for target "length".
setXMLModified(long) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Setter for target "modified".
showHelpDelegated(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterHelp
Calls the application specific help system for context sensitive help information.
showOptions() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Shows the dialog presenting the options.
showPreviewDialog(Hashtable<String, Vector<TransferResult>>, Component, String[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListCustom
Dialog to display the scheduled transfer lists for the target sets.
showSupportAskDialog(int, File[]) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterSupportUtils
Prepares to send support data after displaying an optional choice dialog.
SourceTargetPanel - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.sync
Re-usable panel to represent a set of source or target files, directories, and URLs.
SourceTargetPanel() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Constructor method for i18n purposes and the GUI editing only.
SourceTargetPanel(SyncWindow) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Constructor of this form.
SourceTargetRenderer - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.sync
Implements the TableCellRenderer interface for source files/directories.
SourceTargetRenderer() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetRenderer
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
SourceTargetRenderer(SourceTargetPanel) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetRenderer
Constructor of this class.
startControl(SharedAction[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the info that the given shared actions must now be controlled.
startControl(SharedAction[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the info that the given shared actions must now be controlled.
startControl(SharedAction[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the info that the given shared actions must now be controlled.
startControl(SharedAction[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Provides the info that the given shared actions must now be controlled.
startControl(SharedAction[]) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the info that the given shared actions must now be controlled.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Called whenever the state of the file system window is altered.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsController
Called whenever the state of the options window is altered.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Called whenever the table selection changes.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Called whenever the table selection changes.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Called whenever the state of the file system window is altered.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListCustom
Called if athe tab selection has been changed.
STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Status for the result, finished with errors.
STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Status for the result, finished with errors.
STATUS_ERROR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Entry has not been transferred.
STATUS_IGNORED - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Status for the result, file was ignored.
STATUS_IGNORED - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Status for the result, file was ignored.
STATUS_IGNORED - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Entry was ignored.
STATUS_INVALID - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Status for the result, digest did not match.
STATUS_OK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Status for the result, finished with success.
STATUS_OK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Status for the result, finished with success.
STATUS_OK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Successfully transferred.
STATUS_PENDING - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Transfer will begin soon.
STATUS_VALID - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Status for the result, digest matched.
STATUS_WARNING - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Status for the result, finished with warnings (e.g.
STATUS_WARNING - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Transferred with warnings.
stopControl() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Provides the info that the control of the given shared actions must be stopped.
stopControl() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Provides the info that the control of the given shared actions must be stopped.
stopControl() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Provides the info that the control of the given shared actions must be stopped.
stopControl() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Provides the info that the control of the given shared actions must be stopped.
stopControl() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Provides the info that the control of the given shared actions must be stopped.
storeAll() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Stores all managed configuration units persistently.
storeDefaultValues(String, Configuration, int, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Convenience method to populate the configuration with default values.
storeToTemplate(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Remembers the selected keys and the URLs in the template.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsModel
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsPanel
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListCustom
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Provides the current configuration values to be stored persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateWizard
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.SyncWizard
Stores the current configuration values persistently.
storeUnit(String, Configuration, Object[], String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Stores the given configuration values persistently.
Summary - Class in com.lf.digester.docking
Represents a Digester XML file based on 'summary.dtd'.
Summary() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.Summary
Constructs an instance based on a given DTD.
SUMMARY_DOCNAME - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.Summary
The name of the root element.
SUMMARY_DTD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.Summary
The underlying DTD.
SUMMARY_VERSION_1_0 - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.Summary
The underlying DTD version.
SUMMARY_VERSION_1_1 - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.Summary
The underlying DTD version.
SUPPRESSED_ALGORITHMS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog to select algorithm being calculated for downloads.
SUPPRESSED_APP_DIED - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the application died dialog.
SUPPRESSED_CHECKER_MAX_FILES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if number of files to be checked is large.
SUPPRESSED_CHECKER_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if amount of data to be checked is large.
SUPPRESSED_CHECKER_MAX_URLS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if number of URLs to be checked is large.
SUPPRESSED_CHECKER_MAX_URLS_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if amount of URL data to be checked is large.
SUPPRESSED_CHECKER_URL_DOWNLOAD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog to select the URLs to be downloaded.
SUPPRESSED_EDT_HANG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the frozen GUI dialog.
SUPPRESSED_FIRST_TIME_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog for the sync wizard.
SUPPRESSED_GENERATOR_MAX_FILES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if number of files to be processed is large.
SUPPRESSED_GENERATOR_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if amount of data to be processed is large.
SUPPRESSED_GENERATOR_MAX_URLS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if number of URLs to be checked is large.
SUPPRESSED_GENERATOR_MAX_URLS_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if amount of URL data to be checked is large.
SUPPRESSED_RESTART_JNLP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if JNLP application shall be restarted.
SUPPRESSED_SYNC_GENERATE_OPTIONS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if generate options should be applied.
SUPPRESSED_SYNC_MAX_FILES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if number of files to be processed is large.
SUPPRESSED_SYNC_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if amount of data to be processed is large.
SUPPRESSED_SYNC_MAX_URLS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if number of URLs to be checked is large.
SUPPRESSED_SYNC_MAX_URLS_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if amount of URL data to be checked is large.
SUPPRESSED_URL_CHECK_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog to notice the user on failed download checks.
SUPPRESSED_VFSTAB_CLOSE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Represents the dialog if a network session tab is closed.
syncFiles() - Static method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Starts the synchronization wizard.
SyncWindow - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.sync
Provides functions to synchronize local and remote file systems.
SyncWindow() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Constructor for the GUI component.
SyncWindowController - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.sync
Does the event handling for the docking window SyncWindow.
SyncWindowController() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
SyncWindowController(SyncWindow) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Class constructor.
SyncWindowModel - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.sync
MVC model for the GenerateOptionsWindow.
SyncWindowModel() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Constructor for the component.
SyncWizard - Class in com.lf.digester.wizard.sync
Wizard dialog to specify a source/target mapping to synchronize files/directories.
SyncWizard() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.SyncWizard
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
SyncWizard(Frame) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.SyncWizard
Constructor for the GUI component.


tabAdded(TabbedWindow, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Informs the tab that it was added to the tabbed window.
tabAdded(TabbedWindow, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Informs the tab that it was added to the tabbed window.
tabBecomesHidden() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Informs the tab that it will vanish from the screen.
tabBecomesHidden() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Informs the tab that it will vanish from the screen.
tabBecomesRemoved() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Informs the tab that it is up to be removed.
tabBecomesRemoved() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Informs the tab that it is up to be removed.
tabBecomesShown() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Informs the tab that it becomes visible on the screen.
tabBecomesShown() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Informs the tab that it becomes visible on the screen.
tabIsHiding() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Informs the tab that it was made invisible by the manager.
tabIsHiding() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Informs the tab that it was made invisible by the manager.
tabIsShowing() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Informs the tab that it was made visible by the manager.
tabIsShowing() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Informs the tab that it was made visible by the manager.
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Gives notification that a table model has been altered.
tabRemoved(TabbedWindow, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Informs the tab that it was removed from the tabbed window.
tabRemoved(TabbedWindow, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Informs the tab that it was removed from the tabbed window.
templatesChanged(TemplatePanel, int, String, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsController
Automatically called if the set of templates changed.
templatesChanged(TemplatePanel, int, String, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Automatically called if the set of templates changed.
toString() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.IntermediateDigest
Overrides method java.lang.Object.toString.
toString() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
Overrides method java.lang.Object.toString.
toString() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Overrides method java.lang.Object.toString.
toString() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Overrides method java.lang.Object.toString.
toString() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Overrides method java.lang.Object.toString.
TransferListCustom - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.sync
Specialized custom component for CustomDialog to display the transfer lists.
TransferListCustom() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListCustom
Constructor of this form.
TransferListRenderer - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.sync
Implements the TableCellRenderer interface for transfer lists.
TransferListRenderer() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListRenderer
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
TransferListRenderer(TablePanel) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListRenderer
Constructor of this class.
TransferResult - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.result
Simple data holding class documenting the transfers during synchronization including status.
TransferResult() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
TransferResult(int, Object, Object, long, long, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResult
Constructor settings the initial values.
TransferResultRenderer - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.result
Implements the TableCellRenderer interface for transfer lists.
TransferResultRenderer() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultRenderer
Constructor of this class.
TransferResultsPanel - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.result
Component showing transfer results for SyncWindow (single target results).
TransferResultsPanel() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsPanel
Constructor method.
TransferResultsPanel(Vector<TransferResult>, String) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsPanel
Constructor for the GUI component.
TransferResultsTab - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.result
Component showing transfer results for SyncWindow (all target results).
TransferResultsTab() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Constructor method.
TransferResultsTab(Hashtable<String, Vector<TransferResult>>, String[], String, Icon, StatusBarMessage) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Constructor for the GUI component.
TYPE_BSD_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Digest file is a BSD-compatible summary file.
TYPE_BSD_SINGLE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Digest file is a BSD-compatible file with one entry.
TYPE_CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
File is of unknown type (not a digest file).
TYPE_GNU_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Digest file is a GNU-compatible (MD5SUM) summary file.
TYPE_GNU_SINGLE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Digest file is a GNU-compatible (MD5SUM) file with one entry.
TYPE_PGP_SIGNATURE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.DigestResult
The type representing PGP signatures.
TYPE_PGP_SINGLE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Digest file is a PGP signature file with one entry.
TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
File is of unknown type (no digests included).
TYPE_XML_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Digest file is a Digester XML summary file.
TYPE_XML_SINGLE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.FileResult
Digest file is a Digester XML file with one entry.


UNIT_ID_ALGORITHM_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_APP_DIED - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_ASK_RESTART_TASK_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CAPTURE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHECK_ANT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHECK_CLI_ARGS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHECK_OPTIONS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHECK_TASK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHECK_TASK_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHECKER_DOWNLOAD_URLS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHECKER_MAX_FILES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHECKER_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHECKER_MAX_URLS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHECKER_MAX_URLS_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_SYNC_GENERATE_OPTIONS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_CHOICE_DIALOG_SYNC_TARGET_DELETE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_COMPARE_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_DELETE_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_DELETE_RETRY - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_DEOBFUSCATE_PREVIEW_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_CHECK_TASK_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL_TASK_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_EDT_HANG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_EVALUATION_EXCEEDED - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_EXPORT_ERROR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FILE_EDITOR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FILE_SEARCH_OPTIONS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FILE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FIND - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FIND_RESULTS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FIRST_TIME_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FSDIALOG_ADD_SOURCETARGET - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FSDIALOG_CHECK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FSDIALOG_CHECKER_DOWNLOADS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FSDIALOG_DEOBFUSCATE_LOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FSDIALOG_DEOBFUSCATE_MAP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FSDIALOG_EXPORT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FSDIALOG_SHOT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_FSDIALOG_XML - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATE_ANT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATE_CLI_ARGS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATE_DELETE - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATE_OPTIONS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATE_RESULTS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATE_TASK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATE_TASK_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATE_URL_EDIT_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATE_WIZARD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATOR_ASK_MAX_FILES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATOR_ASK_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATOR_MAX_URLS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_GENERATOR_MAX_URLS_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_HELP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_INPUT_DIALOG_SYNC_TARGET_ADD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_INPUT_DIALOG_SYNC_TARGET_RENAME - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_JWS_UPDATE_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_LOG_FILE_TAB - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_MAXMEM - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_NET_MONITOR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_NETWORK_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_DIALOGS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_DOCKING - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_DOWNLOAD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_DRAG_AND_DROP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_EDITOR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_ENERGY - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_FILE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_FILE_TYPES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_FILES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_GUI - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_LIMITS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_SUPPORT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_SUPPRESSED - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OPTIONS_VFS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OUT_OF_MEMORY - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_OUTPUT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_PDF_RETRY - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_PGP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_REGISTER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_RELEASE_NOTES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_RESET_WINDOWS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_RESTART_INSTALLER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_RESTART_JNLP - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_RESTART_RETRY - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_RESULTS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SAVE_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SAVE_DIGESTS_TASK_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SEARCH_OPTIONS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SETTINGS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUS_APPLICATION - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUS_CRON - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUS_ENCODING - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUS_FACTORY - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUS_FONT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUS_JAVA - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUS_OS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUS_PLAF - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUS_THREAD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUS_UI - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_STATUSBAR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SUPPORT_DATA_CHOOSER - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SYNC - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SYNC_ANT - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SYNC_ASK_MAX_FILES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SYNC_ASK_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SYNC_CLI_ARGS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SYNC_MAX_URLS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SYNC_MAX_URLS_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SYNC_PRESELECT_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SYNC_TASK_DIALOG_MESSAGES - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SYNC_WIZARD - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_SYNCHRONIZE_TASK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_TASKS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_TRANSFER_CUSTOM - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_TRANSFER_RESULTS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_UNINSTALL - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_URL_CHECK_DIALOG - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_VFS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_VFS_FIND_RESULTS - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_VFSDIALOG_ADD_SOURCETARGET - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_VFSDIALOG_XML - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_VIEW - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_WINDOW_CONFIGURATOR - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
UNIT_ID_WRITE_XML_TASK - Static variable in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
unitAdded(OptionsDialog, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Informs the unit that it was added to the dialog.
unitBecomesHidden() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Informs the unit that it will vanish from the screen (deselected).
unitBecomesShown() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Informs the unit that it becomes visible on the screen (selected).
unitIsHiding() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Informs the unit that it was made invisible by the manager (deselected).
unitIsShowing() - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Informs the unit that it was made visible by the manager (selected).
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsModel
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsPanel
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListCustom
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateWizard
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRegistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.SyncWizard
Informs the configurable unit that it was registered with a model.
unitRemoved(OptionsDialog, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Informs the unit that it was removed from the tabbed window.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.AlgorithmDialog
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.CompareDialog
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.FirstTimeDialog
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.dialog.options.DataLimitsUnit
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsModel
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsPanel
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.TransferResultsTab
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowModel
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.TransferListCustom
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateFormatPage
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateIntermediatePage
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.generate.GenerateWizard
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.GeneratePage
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.OptionsPage
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unitUnregistered(ApplicationModel, String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.wizard.sync.SyncWizard
Informs the configurable unit that it was unregistered with a model.
unregisterConfigurable(ConfigurableUnit) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to allow for simple unregistration of a Digester configurable unit.
unregisterConfigurable(String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Convenience method to allow for simple unregistration of a Digester configurable unit.
unregisterConfigurableDelegated(ConfigurableUnit) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Implements the bridge between this application model and the Commons framework units.
unregisterConfigurableDelegated(String) - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterModel
Implements the bridge between this application model and the Commons framework units.
updateAutoSave() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Activates/deactivates the task to auto-save the preferences.
updateButtons() - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Updates the table buttons (enabled/disabled).
updateComponentTreeUI() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
The (hidden) components should be refreshed by SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI().
updateEDTMonitor() - Method in class com.lf.digester.core.DigesterSettings
Activates/deactivates the monitor detecting GUI freezes.
updateTemplate(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Sets new values for the given template from outside this docking window.
updateTemplate(String, Configuration) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Sets new values for the given template from outside this docking window.
updateTitle() - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterView
Updates the window title after changing the license etc.
URLCandidateChecker - Class in com.lf.digester.dialog
Helper class to prepare URL candidates for the DownloadDialog.
URLCandidateChecker() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.URLCandidateChecker
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
URLCandidateChecker(DownloadDialog, FileObject[], Configuration, DigestChecker) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.dialog.URLCandidateChecker
Constructor method.
URLResult - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.result
Simple data holding class documenting the checked network resources (without calculations).
URLResult() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Constructor method for i18n purposes only.
URLResult(FileObject, int, int, String, int, File) - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResult
Constructor settings the initial values.
URLResultRenderer - Class in com.lf.digester.docking.result
Implements the TableCellRenderer interface for digest URLs.
URLResultRenderer() - Constructor for class com.lf.digester.docking.result.URLResultRenderer
Constructor of this class.


valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.PGPKeyPanel
Reacts on table selection changes.
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.result.GenerateResultsTab
Called whenever the table selection changes.
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SourceTargetPanel
Reacts on table selection changes.
valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindowController
Reacts on table selection changes (sources/target panel tables).


windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Invoked when the window is set to be the active window.
windowAdded(DockingManager, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it was added by the manager.
windowAdded(DockingManager, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it was added by the manager.
windowAdded(DockingManager, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Informs the docking window that it was added by the manager.
windowBecomesHidden(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it will be made invisible by the manager.
windowBecomesHidden(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it will be made invisible by the manager.
windowBecomesHidden(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Informs the docking window that it will be made invisible by the manager.
windowBecomesShown(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it will be made visible by the manager.
windowBecomesShown(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it will be made visible by the manager.
windowBecomesShown(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Informs the docking window that it will be made visible by the manager.
windowClosed(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it was closed (not in the dock or window any more).
windowClosed(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it was closed (not in the dock or window any more).
windowClosed(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Informs the docking window that it was closed (not in the dock or window any more).
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Invoked when a window has been closed as the result of calling dispose on the window.
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Invoked when the user attempts to close the window from the window's system menu.
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Invoked when a Window is no longer the active Window.
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Invoked when a window is changed from a minimized to a normal state.
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Invoked when a window is changed from a normal to a minimized state.
windowIsActive(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it is now the active window.
windowIsActive(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it is now the active window.
windowIsActive(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Informs the docking window that it is now the active window.
windowIsHiding(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it was made invisible by the manager.
windowIsHiding(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it was made invisible by the manager.
windowIsHiding(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Informs the docking window that it was made invisible by the manager.
windowIsInactive(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it is not the active window any longer.
windowIsInactive(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it is not the active window any longer.
windowIsInactive(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Informs the docking window that it is not the active window any longer.
windowIsShowing(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it was made visible by the manager.
windowIsShowing(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it was made visible by the manager.
windowIsShowing(int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Informs the docking window that it was made visible by the manager.
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.lf.digester.gui.DigesterController
Invoked the first time a window is made visible.
windowRemoved(DockingManager, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.check.CheckOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it was removed by the manager.
windowRemoved(DockingManager, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.generate.GenerateOptionsWindow
Informs the docking window that it was removed by the manager.
windowRemoved(DockingManager, int) - Method in class com.lf.digester.docking.sync.SyncWindow
Informs the docking window that it was removed by the manager.
writeBSDMultiple(File, Vector<File>, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<FileResult>, Vector<String>, Vector<String>, boolean, String, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileWriteUtils
Generates BSD summary files containing the digests for the given target and algorithm.
writeBSDMultiple(FileObject, Vector<FileObject>, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<URLResult>, Vector<String>, Vector<String>, boolean, String, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String, VFSConnection) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLWriteUtils
Generates BSD summary URLs containing the digests for the given target and algorithm.
writeBSDSingle(File, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<FileResult>, String, String, boolean, boolean, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileWriteUtils
Generates a BSD file containing the digest for the given target.
writeBSDSingle(FileObject, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<URLResult>, String, String, boolean, boolean, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String, VFSConnection) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLWriteUtils
Generates a BSD URL containing the digest for the given target.
writeGNUMultiple(File, Vector<File>, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<FileResult>, Vector<String>, Vector<String>, boolean, String, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileWriteUtils
Generates GNU summary files containing the digests for the given target and algorithm.
writeGNUMultiple(FileObject, Vector<FileObject>, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<URLResult>, Vector<String>, Vector<String>, boolean, String, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String, VFSConnection) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLWriteUtils
Generates GNU summary URLs containing the digests for the given target and algorithm.
writeGNUSingle(File, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<FileResult>, String, String, boolean, boolean, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileWriteUtils
Generates a GNU file containing the digest for the given target.
writeGNUSingle(FileObject, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<URLResult>, String, String, boolean, boolean, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String, VFSConnection) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLWriteUtils
Generates a GNU URL containing the digest for the given target.
writePGPSingle(File, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<FileResult>, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileWriteUtils
Generates a PGP file containing the signatures for the given target.
writePGPSingle(FileObject, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<URLResult>, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLWriteUtils
Generates a PGP file containing the signatures for the given target.
writeXML(OutputStream, File[], Vector<DigestResult>, boolean, File, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, CryptoManager) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileWriteUtils
Saves the message digests with the specified byte based XML output stream.
writeXML(OutputStream, FileObject[], Vector<DigestResult>, boolean, FileObject, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, CryptoManager) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLWriteUtils
Saves the message digests with the specified byte based XML output stream.
writeXMLMultiple(File, Vector<File>, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<FileResult>, boolean, String, String, boolean, String, String, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, CryptoManager) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileWriteUtils
Generates an XML file containing the digest for the given target.
writeXMLMultiple(FileObject, Vector<FileObject>, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<URLResult>, boolean, String, String, boolean, String, String, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, CryptoManager, VFSConnection) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLWriteUtils
Generates an XML URL containing the digest for the given target.
writeXMLSingle(File, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<FileResult>, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, boolean, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, CryptoManager) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterFileWriteUtils
Generates an XML file containing the digest for the given target.
writeXMLSingle(FileObject, Vector<DigestResult>, Vector<URLResult>, String, boolean, boolean, String, String, boolean, Vector<String[]>, boolean, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, CryptoManager, VFSConnection) - Static method in class com.lf.digester.docking.DigesterURLWriteUtils
Generates an XML URL containing the digest for the given target.
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