leisenfels mit schrift und slogan 48

Supported Projects

Besides our daily business we support environmental and social projects with a focus on technical solutions. These projects are financed by selling our products and services.

Yes, most companies start their social activities when they have become big players on the market. This is great since a noticeable amount of money becomes available for projects. We at Leisenfels believe that also little amounts of money can be invested effectively in environmental and social projects. We are not willing to wait until our company reaches a certain size but start right away from the first product being sold.

Our time on this planet is short, so let's make the most out of it for us all (tempus fugit ergo carpe diem).



Photovoltaic System

Photovoltaic System

In August 2013 a photovoltaic system has been installed at the Leisenfels headquarter in Bissendorf by RENOS Solar and Green Energy GmbH with the following characteristics:

  • 8,8 kWp output
  • 44 modules aleo S_24, 200 W, polycristalline, German production
  • Inverter SMA STP 8000 TL-20
  • Monitoring by LAN/Internet with SMA SUNNY HOME MANAGER


The system produces a significant amount of electricity used during software development.


From the German region ICEJ website (translated): "The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is about to complete the Haifa-home project. Since the beginning of 2010 the ICEJ, mainly through donations from Germany, financed the purchase, renovation and expansion of the nursing home complex for impoverished Holocaust survivors in Haifa. The home is managed by the Israeli partner organization, the private relief organization Yad Ezer L'Haver (Helping Hands).

More than 100 survivors of the Shoah will life there in dignity and community. 50 residents have already moved. They will receive free accommodation, meals and medical care. The rest of the residents can move in there when the renovations are completed and the rooms are furnished."


From the Oikocredit website: "Oikocredit is one of the world’s largest sources of private funding to the microfinance sector. We also provide credit to trade cooperatives, fair trade organizations and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in the developing world.

We lend working capital to microfinance institutions (MFIs) all over the world. In turn, they dispense life-changing loans to the poor and disadvantaged, with a special emphasis on rural areas and women.

We offer a dual return to our investors: financial and social. In addition to earning modest financial returns, investors are secure in the knowledge that their money is being used to fight poverty, promote fair trade and respect our planet’s natural resources."

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